Invisalign event

Invisalign event 1

No we are digital we will scan your teeth for your Invisalign records, we would also digitaly scan your teeth for retainers to.

You are not allowed to eat with the aligners on. As firstly the food will get trapped in the aligner creating a lot of mess and potential cavities.

You should always remove and store in the case provided before you eat, when you have finished eating you brush your teeth and put your aligners in.

You can drink water hot or cold as much as you want with aligners in.

If you are drinking anything other than Water you should remove your aligners, store them in their case and then, brush your teeth before you put them back in.

Do’s :

  • Drink plain water hot or cold while you have your aligners in.
  • Carry on with your check-ups with your general dentist
  • You need to follow the instructions, of 22 hours a day wear. This will ensure the movement has been achieved before the change into your new aligner
  • Brush your teeth after eating and drinking anything other than water.

Don’t :

  • Eat with them in.
  • Leave your aligners out for long periods of time. 
  • Put your aligners in after eating without cleaning your teeth. 
  • Use denture cleaner or anything other than what you are given to clean them with.
  • When eating put aligners in a napkin, you will loose them always put them in the case provided

This revolutionary clear aligner has straightened over 10 million smiles so far, with discretion, comfort and ease.

Take a look at this video to see how you can start your journey with a digital 3D smile simulation.

Invisalign is the revolutionary clear aligner which straightens with discretion, comfort, and ease. This trusted system has successfully transformed over 10 million smiles so far... and counting!

We offer a professional teeth whitening service tailored for you, to ensure safe treatment with impressive results.